Craig Boerner

Schaffner lauded for epidemiology contributions

William Schaffner, M.D., professor and chair of Preventive Medicine, is the 2012 recipient of the American College of Epidemiology’s Abraham Lilienfeld Award, in recognition of his contributions and leadership in the discipline of epidemiology.

Belmont, VU create Physical Therapy residency

Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson’s Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute (PBPRI) in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences is joining with the School of Physical Therapy at Belmont University to initiate a Neurological Physical Therapy Clinical Residency.

Glucose level blood test

National type I diabetes prevention trial now an option for younger children

A type I diabetes prevention study that is part of the TrialNet program at Vanderbilt is now enrolling children as young as 8 years old.

VU leading international trial of new stroke therapy

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center are leading an international clinical trial to examine the functional benefits of a combined therapy to treat acute ischemic stroke.

Insulin in vials

Family members can often sabotage diabetes care: study

Nonsupportive family members contribute to poor adherence to medication regimens and lower glycemic control in adults with diabetes.

report card

Mixed results define 2012 Tennessee Men’s Health Report Card

Heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men in Tennessee and cancer deaths continue to move further away from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthy People 2020 goal, according to the 2012 Tennessee Men’s Health Report Card.

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