Emergency & Trauma

New Vanderbilt Health program aims to improve efficiency, quality of ‘unplanned care’

Unplanned care refers to medical care arising from unexpected health issues that require immediate or urgent attention.

Vanderbilt University Hospital reverified as Level 1 adult trauma center

Trauma patients come to VUH from a region covering 80,000 square miles, and approximately 9,400 acute trauma patients are treated at the hospital annually.

Sledding safety tips from Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

Whizzing along on snow and ice is fun, but be careful: Never pull a sled with a motorized vehicle or on streets and parking lots.

Dean Driver at his home in Gallatin, Tennessee. (photo by Susan Urmy)

The man who gave Angel 1 its wings

“How much closer to an angel can you get than a little bitty baby struggling for life?” said Dean Driver, 91, who converted a panel truck into VUMC’s first neonatal transport in his driveway.


VUMC part of team developing advanced life-support tech for battlefield injured

Battlefield medics often have limited resources, time and expertise to provide life-sustaining, emergency care for those critically injured.

(file photo by Anne Rayner)

VUMC to study effect of breathing tube size on breathing, speaking, swallowing

Approximately 1% of the U.S. population — 2 million to 3 million adults — experience critical illness requiring the placement of a breathing tube each year.

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