
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt adds pancreas and lung transplant services

Recognized as a major regional referral center for heart, kidney and liver transplantation, incorporating pancreas and lung transplant services for pediatric patients bolsters the well-established expertise currently offered by the Vanderbilt Transplant Center.

Enock Adjei, MD, left, and Wali Johnson, MD, perform a liver transplant in February 2024. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Vanderbilt Transplant Center finishes fiscal year with record 809 solid organ transplants

Vanderbilt’s adult heart, lung, liver and kidney transplant programs individually had record fiscal years, with 150 heart transplants, 90 lung transplants, 180 liver transplants and 333 kidney transplants. In addition, adult transplant teams performed three heart/lung transplants and four kidney/pancreas transplants.

Study shows transplant volumes decreased, costs rose following federal policy change

The new policy changed liver allocations from a regional service area to an “acuity circles” system that assigns donor livers as far as 500 nautical miles away based on the acuity of recipients.

Melissia Boynton speaks with a visitor a few days after her heart transplant. (photo by Kylie Avery)

A Mother’s Day to remember

Melissia Boynton got the call about 3 a.m. on Mother’s Day that her new heart was available. Immediately, her plans changed from a barbecue around the family pool to a middle-of-the-night drive to Nashville to get her new heart.

Recovery team members included, from left, Will Tucker, MD, Stephen DeVries, DMSc, PA-C, and Christopher Schwartz, RN.

VUMC team travels to Alaska to recover a donor heart

The 5,704 nautical-mile trip is the farthest VUMC has traveled for an organ. The remarkable journey illustrates how new technologies make it possible to preserve organs longer, allowing Vanderbilt to look farther for a match.

A team approach to care 

LSU baseball fan sporting a new set of lungs after VUMC transplant

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