
Digital pathology aims to unlock secrets hidden in tissue samples

The pilot project, which is expected to digitize 500,000 slides over three years, aims to open avenues for research, assist with access to whole-slide images for education and clinical meetings (of tumor boards, for example), and facilitate planning for the implementation of digital pathology for diagnostic purposes. 

Bill Russell, MD, left, with patient and trial participant Spencer Mannahan and his father, Zach. (photo by Evan Dorian)

Milestone in VUMC-affiliated diabetes screening and research program underscores impact of clinical trials

Screening and clinical trials are further advancing research to develop therapies that delay or prevent the progression to clinical disease in people at risk of developing Type 1 diabetes.

Dean Driver at his home in Gallatin, Tennessee. (photo by Susan Urmy)

The man who gave Angel 1 its wings

“How much closer to an angel can you get than a little bitty baby struggling for life?” said Dean Driver, 91, who converted a panel truck into VUMC’s first neonatal transport in his driveway.

VUMC and Philips landmark emissions assessment of a radiology department published in premier industry journal

The analysis found diagnostic services generate the equivalent of nearly 1,100 gas-powered cars annually, or an estimated 4.6kt carbon dioxide equivalent.

Health Professional Solutions joins Aegis Ventures’ Digital Consortium

Consortium members will identify key health care challenges and codevelop targeted solutions that improve patient outcomes and health care efficiency. 

Jillian Williams, MBA, chair of the StrategyShare 2024 Committee and director of Business Development Operations in Population Health, introduces the event’s program. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

StrategyShare 2024 highlights innovations that advance Vanderbilt Health’s mission

The highlighted efforts demonstrated commitment to expanding the use of advanced technology to serve patients.

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