Division of Genetic Medicine

Targeting tumor “supply lines”

A metabolic enzyme plays a crucial role in vascular development and may be a good target for cancer therapies.

Genomic research gains ad-“vantage” with new resources

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has stepped up its support of research aimed at cracking the mysteries of the genome, the master DNA code.

More gene links to breast cancer risk

Two newly identified gene variants linked to breast cancer may aid in predicting disease risk and targeting screening and prevention strategies.

Gene linked to familial prostate cancer

A rare, inherited mutation confers an eightfold increased risk of prostate cancer, a recent study shows.

Ancestry impacts smoking risk for lungs

Smoking is more detrimental to lung function in individuals with high proportions of African ancestry.

fish skeleton

Clues to skeletal form in ‘feelgood’ fish

Ela Knapik, associate professor of medicine, and colleagues are using zebrafish to explore the molecular and cellular mechanisms that cause birth defects of the face and skeleton.

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