Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center

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Poverty tops smoking as a major death risk: study

A Vanderbilt study found that Black and white people who earned less than $15,000 a year died, on average, more than 10 years earlier than those whose annual income exceeded $50,000.

Breast cancer genetics: new insights

Largest genetic study of breast cancer to date identifies 222 genetic risk loci, 137 genes and multiple signaling pathways associated with risk, providing important new insights.

Is drinking tea good for your gut?

Microbiome profiling of older Chinese adults showed that tea drinking changed the diversity and abundance of some bacteria in men but not women — effects that may contribute to a reduced risk of hypertension.

Ginseng intake and mortality

Regular ginseng intake, particularly over a long duration, is associated with decreased risk of death from all causes, Vanderbilt researchers discovered in a large epidemiological study.

Structural variants in breast cancer risk genes

Vanderbilt epidemiologists conducted in-depth whole genome sequencing of breast cancer risk genes in Black women, who die at higher rates and have more aggressive disease, to discover mutations that may improve testing and treatment selection.

Zheng named VICC associate director for Population Sciences Research

Wei Zheng, MD, PhD, MPH, Anne Potter Wilson Professor of Medicine, has been named associate director for Population Sciences Research at Vanderbilt- Ingram Cancer Center (VICC).

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