January 4, 2012

Staff notice: Magnet Recognition Program site visit

Your organization has applied to the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program for re-designation of the prestigious Magnet designation. This designation recognizes excellence in nursing services.

You have an opportunity to participate in the evaluation process and are encouraged to do so. We will be coming to your hospital Feb. 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 for a site visit.

You may talk with the appraisal team when they arrive, or you may fax or email comments to the Magnet Program Office. All phone comments to the Magnet Program Office must be followed up in writing. Your comments are confidential and never shared with anyone in your organization. If you choose, your comments may be ANONYMOUS, but must be in writing.

Your comments must be received by Feb. 10, 2012.

  • Phone: 866-588-3301 (TOLL FREE)
  • Fax: 301-628-5217
  • Write:

American Nurses Credential Center 
Magnet Recognition Program
8515 Georgia Ave., Suite 400
Silver Spring, Md. 20910-3492

Your organization has submitted written documentation for the appraisal team to review. That information is available to you for review on the Magnet website: www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/magnet (login required). Click on the photo of the document.


In addition, a nurse opinion survey is located on the magnet website: http://www.nursecredentialing.org/Magnet/NurseOpinionSurvey.aspx

Although you are not required to identify the organization in which you work, doing so will provide the appraisal team with valuable information that can be considered in the evaluation. If you do choose to indicate your organization, rest assured your comments are received anonymously and the Magnet Program Office has no way of identifying you. (To assure complete anonymity, complete the survey from a home computer.)