Daniel Barocas, M.D., MPH, assistant professor of Urologic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, was recently named a representative on the Commission on Cancer.

Barocas will represent the American Urological Association on the national commission, which is a program of the American College of Surgeons.
The program helps to raise the quality of care at hospitals across the country through developing standards for cancer care and uses those standards to accredit hospitals.
“I view this as an outstanding opportunity to be involved further in developing standards for quality of cancer care in order to reduce unnecessary variation and elevate the quality of care on a national level,” Barocas said.
During his three-year term, Barocas will serve on the commission’s quality integration committee, which oversees quality measurement.
The role will also have Barocas representing the urological association on the commission.
“The Commission on Cancer is a key national organization in the effort to improve the quality of cancer care in the United States,” said David Penson, M.D., chair of Urologic Surgery. “Given Dan’s work on the quality of care here in the Vanderbilt Department of Urologic Surgery, he is a perfect person to represent all of urology on the commission. This is a great honor for him, and it is well-deserved.”