A new process is in place for Vanderbilt University Medical Center clinical and administrative workstation users in need of expedited assistance with workstation issues to have requests for service quickly evaluated and prioritized.
The new email address, dell.escalation@vanderbilt.edu, was created to close a gap in the service notification process allowing users to escalate workstation issues that were not being resolved in an appropriate timeframe.
Through the establishment of a tiered response system — Top, High, Medium and Low — Dell is prioritizing service based on the potential impact to workplace performance. Top priority incidents, which include large-scale issues impacting many users with no possible workaround or those that could impact patient safety, have a response time of within two hours.
High priority incidents, which have a response time within four hours, are those involving clinical workstations that impact the ability to deliver patient care, or for administrative workstations when a user is unable to work at all.
Examples of Medium priority incidents for clinical workstations are those impacting a single user’s ability to perform their work but a workaround is available, and for administrative workstations where a single application may not be working properly but most other duties can be performed. The expected response time for medium priority incidents is the next business day.
Low priority incidents, which only moderately impact devices or involve questions about system operations, will also receive resolution the next business day.
“Dell and VUMC are mutually committed to meet a specific level of service. We’re still in a transition period and need to know when urgent service is needed, but the response times may not be meeting expectations,” said Milli Vincent, program coordinator for the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs.
Examples of priority levels for clinical and administrative workstations are as follows:
When users escalate a support issue through dell.escalation@vanderbilt.edu the Pegasus incident number should be included with the request. Including the Pegasus ticket number will help Dell team members quickly assess the issue and coordinate a resolution.