As the date nears for Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center to transition to separate legal and financial entities, a number of changes will be made to the institution’s existing information technology environment.
These changes are primarily in the areas of administrative systems as well as those addressing the personal data of employees transitioning from VU into VUMC.
Teams from VU and VUMC continue to prepare for these systems changes to be executed in a relativity short timespan surrounding the legal close date for the transition.
To ensure a successful transition and to maintain continuity of all IT services without interruption, institutional leaders responsible for this work are requesting that all university and Medical Center departments place a moratorium on systems changes within the information technology environment surrounding the period of legal close from 12:01 a.m. on Friday, April 15, through 12:01 a.m. on Friday, May 13.
Exceptions will be made only for those changes directly related to activities supporting the legal close or restoration of service.
“We are implementing this temporary hold on changes to the numerous IT systems in use throughout the Medical Center to allow Information Technology staff to focus on the required transition changes, test the environment afterward and also address any unanticipated needs,” said John Manning Jr., associate vice chancellor for health affairs and chief administrative officer.
As the date for the legal close approaches, the Change Management Team will provide more specific direction to the Information Technology teams responsible for this work.
If an exception request is needed at VU, please contact Shanmuga Sundaram at shanmuga.sundaram@vanderbilt.edu.
If an exception request is needed at VUMC, please contact Esfandiar Zafar at e.zafar@vanderbilt.edu.
For more information about the VU-VUMC transition, including an extensive list of FAQs, please visit the Vanderbilt Human Resources transition page. The site is password protected. Users must sign in using a Vanderbilt user ID and password.