August 1, 2024

Flulapalooza set for Sept. 25; volunteers needed

The event starts at 6 a.m., and Health and Wellness encourages all faculty, staff, and students to come to the big tent on the main VUMC campus between Light Hall and the VA Hospital to receive their annual flu vaccination.

Flulapalooza, the traditional fun and easy way for VUMC employees to receive the flu vaccination, will be held Wednesday, Sept. 25.

The event starts at 6 a.m., and Health and Wellness encourages all faculty, staff, and students to come to the big tent on the main VUMC campus between Light Hall and the VA Hospital to receive their annual flu vaccination. This one-day event filled with photo booths, mascots, and more also provides a great opportunity to reconnect with colleagues.

“We hope to see everyone at our 12th annual tent event on Sept. 25 where you can receive your flu shot in less time than it takes to spell Flulapalooza,” said Ana Nobis, MD, MPH, FACOEM, medical director of the Occupational Health Clinic. “We also ask you to consider volunteering to serve at this year’s event. Our volunteers are like the ‘secret sauce’ that makes Flulapalooza so special.”

Volunteer opportunities for both clinical and non-clinical staff members are available. If you are interested in volunteering, visit the Flulapalooza Event Sign-up website for full details. All supervisors and managers should be aware that the volunteer time approved for the event will be compensated from the employee’s department and not through the Flulapalooza event.

 For more information about the flu vaccine and Flulapalooza, visit the Occupational Health Clinic website.