August 12, 2024

Naloxone co-prescribing and random urine drug screening updates

Improve compliance with TN Together regulations and Tennessee chronic pain guidelines while reducing alert fatigue, the TN Together order questions have been updated when prescribing opioids to include a question about offering naloxone or when ordering a random urine drug screen on select patients.


New order question for documenting offering naloxone to patients with an opioid prescription of more than 3 days and other high-risk features (TN Code 53-11-308). 

The naloxone co-prescribing BPA alert is now suppressed if the patient already has naloxone.

If the patient has been taking opioids for more than 90 days, a question will show if they are due for a random urine drug screen (UDS) per TN Chronic Pain Guidelines. If you want to order a UDS, click the order random UDS box, and a prompt to add the LAB6100 test when signing will pop up.

The last UDS date will show up in the box if it was done at VUMC.