VUMC in the Community

August 26, 2024

VUMC energy savings and lower carbon emissions net incentive rebate through TVA program

In addition to the on-going energy savings achieved by the project, VUMC was granted a custom incentive rebate of $243,854 through the TVA EnergyRight® for Business & Industry rebate program with the assistance of Nashville Electric Service and Hobbs and Associates. 

At an event on Aug. 21, officials from TVA and NES presented a check for incentive rebate to VUMC. At the event were (L-R) Alene Walkington of TVA, Robbie Smith of NES, David Dykes of Optimum Energy, Daylan Mayo of Hobbs and Associates, Mike Gable of Facilities Management and Nick Korando of Building Systems. (photo by Donn Jones)

Energy savings implemented by VUMC have been recognized by TVA with an incentive rebate of $243,854 — an amount that comes in addition to the lower cost of energy usage.

VUMC Facilities Management recently implemented new control strategies at the VUH Chilled Water Plant to reduce operating cost, energy use and carbon emissions. This new method of controlling the plant is known as Chiller Plant Optimization and was achieved through a partnership with Optimum Energy, using an optimization platform known as OptimumLOOP®.

The OptimumLOOP® system’s relational control algorithms calculate the most efficient operation of the entire chilled water system and automatically and continuously optimize the plant performance in real time. The technology continuously and dynamically adapts to fluctuating load and weather conditions to yield the lowest energy use and cost savings while maintaining occupant comfort. 

The anticipated annual energy cost savings resulting from the project exceeds $251,000 and reduces CO2 emissions by 1.9-million-lbs per year.

In addition to the on-going energy savings achieved by the project, VUMC was granted a custom incentive rebate of $243,854 through the TVA EnergyRight® for Business & Industry rebate program with the assistance of Nashville Electric Service and Hobbs and Associates. The combined value of energy savings and rebate funds resulted in a Return on Investment (ROI) of less than 1.4-years.

Over the past five years VUMC Facilities Management has pursued reductions in electrical consumption on the main campus through energy efficient control strategies such as chiller plant optimization, implementation of fault detection software – used to monitor proper operation of equipment, occupancy setback controls, LED lighting and HVAC equipment upgrades, and rebate opportunities like the TVA EnergyRight® program.  

The total savings of these initiatives over the past five years has resulted in a savings of $7.5-million in electrical cost, with a $2.8-million reduction over the past 12 months, along with the avoidance of over 52 million pounds of CO2 emissions.