January 10, 2025

New terminology guide explains VUMC facility names and acronyms

By chance, have you ever traveled from OHO, stopping off at VUH for a meeting before breaking for lunch at the TVC Cafeteria?

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Vanderbilt University Medical Center continues to enjoy a period of rapid organizational growth. Each month brings hundreds of new employees while additional clinical facilities and services pop up at locations throughout Middle Tennessee and surrounding states. Even for veteran employees, VUMC’s phenomenal growth can be difficult to follow.

It’s critically important for any organization’s long-term success for everyone to be able to speak the same language and follow cultural norms.

As new employees quickly discover, we are an organization that thrives on the liberal use of acronyms to refer to an ever-growing list of facilities, locations and services.

By chance, have you ever traveled from OHO, stopping off at VUH for a meeting before breaking for lunch at the TVC Cafeteria?

To assist new employees and veterans alike, a names and acronyms terminology guide has been created to provide an up-to-date list of VUMC’s facilities and business entities and how to accurately refer to each.