Two publications produced by Vanderbilt University Medical Center's Office of News and Public Affairs have received awards from the 2006 Council For the Advancement and Support of Education's (CASE) Circle of Excellence competition.
Vanderbilt Medicine received a silver medal in the Visual Design in Print category, out of 651 entries, and a bronze medal in the Special Interest Magazines category.
The alumni magazine of the School of Medicine is edited by Nancy Humphrey, a senior information officer in News and Public Affairs, and designed by Diana Duren of Corporate Design Inc.
This is the fourth CASE award for Vanderbilt Medicine.
The inaugural annual report of the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Our Hospital, received a Gold Medal for individual institutional relations publications.
One-hundred-sixty entries were received in the category. Jessica Howard Ennis, an information officer, edited the publication, which was also designed by Corporate Design Inc.
“Nancy, Jessica and Diana do great work and the whole Medical Center should be proud of how well their publications represent our institution,” said Wayne Wood, director of publications for News and Public Affairs.
CASE is the professional organization for advancement professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications and development.