September 9, 2005

Deadline day to submit ‘Tunnel Palooza’ designs

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Today is the deadline for individual departments at VUMC to take advantage of the opportunity to leave their marks on the well-known and well-traveled tunnel beneath the Medical Center.

Through “Tunnel Palooza,” departments can secure — and paint according to their own designs — an 8-foot by 10-foot section of the tunnel.

The overall theme of the mural painting project is celebrating the 25th anniversary of Vanderbilt University Hospital.

Departments must submit their mural concept in 25 words or less to Sketches of concepts can be faxed to 936-0320.

Ideas will be reviewed by a panel and approved based on theme relevance.

Tunnel Palooza painting will be held on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 23-24 and Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 26-28. Paintings will be judged and prizes will be awarded.

The Paint Shop will provide all paint supplies and assistance.