The 2001 meeting of the American Gynecological Club was held in Nashville last weekend and hosted by Dr. Howard W. Jones III, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center faculty invited to speak at the meeting included Drs. Jones, Steven G. Gabbe, Steven S. Entman, Frank H. Boehm, Esther Eisenberg, Lawrence C. Marnett, Carl W. Zimmerman, Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Jeff Holt, Barry K. Jarnagin, G. William Bates, and Brigid L.M. Hogan Ph.D.
Founded in 1911, the American Gynecological Club is the oldest organization of its kind in America.
The original purposes of the AGC have remained unchanged – the general advancement of obstetrics and gynecology; the opportunity of observing the educational, clinical, and experimental work of its members in various institutions; and the stimulation among its members of informal discussion and free exchange of ideas, rather than the presentation of written communications.
Although the club has a self-limited size of 40 active members, it has traditionally included among its membership a significant portion of the academic and clinical leadership in American obstetrics and gynecology. Every four to five years, the group meets with its sister organization, the Gynaecological Visiting Society of Great Britain, also founded in 1911.