August 13, 1999

Library improves access to electronic journals

Featured Image

Medical student Kenneth Tyson Thomas is the lead author of a paper describing periodic fever, a chronic condition usually seen in children under age five. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Eskind Biomedical Library (EBL) has made two major changes to improve access to electronic journals and to the most current biomedical literature citations.

Ovid Java interface

Ovid Technologies is phasing out production of the Windows interface VUMC has been using to access MEDLINE, CINAHL, and other databases. For this reason, EBL is introducing Ovid's new Java interface to provide access to these and other databases. For information about installation, transferring saved search strategies to the new interface, advantages of the new product, and who to contact for help with the transition, please see The new interface combines the best search features of the OvidWeb and Ovid Windows interfaces.

Science Direct

EBL is now providing a new collection of over 1,000 electronic journals through ScienceDirect; approximately 40 percent of ScienceDirect journals are health sciences journals. These can be accessed at under Full Text Electronic Journals. Click on "Group-wide Login" in ScienceDirect to search and view journals.

Training in each of the following resources is available. See for a complete listing of classes.