March 12, 2025

Young children needed for hearing research study


The purpose of this study to understand how performance on a hearing test is affected by a child’s developmental profile.

If your child meets the following criteria, they may be eligible to participate in the study:

· Your child is at least 18 months and no more than 5 years old

· Your child has typical hearing

· Your child does not have any developmental delays

Participants will:

· Receive a hearing screening

· Sit in a sound-proof room with an examiner and parent

· Listen to sounds presented over a loudspeaker or over earphones that are at safe and comfortable levels

· Make a response to a certain sound signal by playing a game

· Receive a developmental screening

The study requires 1-4 visits to the lab at Vanderbilt with each visit lasting no more than one hour.

Your child will receive $15/hour in the form of a gift card.

For more information, or phone 615-875-9056.