MyVUMC is Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s twice-weekly newsletter for all employees. Each issue has links to news, features and information to connect and empower employees.

Various Microsoft and Adobe applications will no longer be supported

Physical security system to be implemented at Light Hall’s North Lobby Plaza entrance beginning Dec. 30

The Light Hall, North Lobby Plaza (east) entrance will be the facility’s only entrance.

Emergency Clothing & Toiletry Closet at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt requests donations

Leadership Middle Tennessee joins with VUMC and many others to organize relief drive for victims of Hurricane Helene

VUMC Program for Research Administration Development graduates latest cohort

VPRAD is a career development program designed for any staff member working in an administrative role within a lab, clinic, or administrative office within the Research Enterprise.

Physical security systems to be implemented at additional VUMC facility entrances beginning Dec. 18

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