September 9, 2014


Jerome Abramson, M.D.,’52, HS ‘59, died May 26. He is survived by his wife, Myrna; children, Richard and Michael; and two grandchildren.

William Anderson, M.D.  ‘59, HS ‘60, ‘64, died Nov. 19, 2013. He was 79. Dr. Anderson was predeceased by his wife, Sue, and is survived by his children, Bill, John, Michael and Steve; and eight grandchildren.

Otis Austin, M.D., ‘43, died Nov. 14, 2013. He was 96. Dr. Austin was predeceased by his first wife, Ruth. He is survived by his current wife, Betty; children, John, Frances and William; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Donald Bebout, M.D., ‘57, died Feb. 18. He was 88. He is survived by his partner, Joann; and his children, Eleanor, Donald and Barbara.

John Beveridge, M.D., FAC ‘00, died May 28. He was 97. Dr. Beveridge was preceded in death by his wife, Reed, and is survived by his children, Lucinda, Anne and Mark; 14 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

Charles Branch Sr., M.D. ‘53, died Dec. 6, 2013. He was 87. Dr. Branch is survived by his wife, Sylvia; children, Charles, Warren, Daniel, Alfred and Cynthia; 17 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Peter Cartwright, M.D, HS ‘81, died Nov. 6, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Brigid; daughter, Jennifer, and one grandchild.

Cully Cobb Jr., M.D., HS ‘49, FAC ‘06, died Nov. 23, 2013. He was 97. Dr. Cobb is survived by his wife, Cathy; children, Barrett, Ashely and Cully; and six grandchildren.

Hampton Collins, M.D., FE ‘88, died April 16. He was 59. Dr. Collins is survived by his wife, Susan; and children, Emily and Hampton.

Henry Cunningham, M.D., ‘83, died Jan. 8. He was 56. Dr. Cunningham is survived by his wife, Linda; and children, Brandon and Thomas.

Emil Dewey, M.D. ‘59, HS ‘66, died Jan. 28. He was 70. Dr. Dewey is survived by his wife, Joan; and children, Cindy, Gwyn, Patricia and Dana.

James Dickey, M.D., HS ‘73, died Feb. 2. He was 87. Dr. Dickey is survived by his wife, Myra Sue, his children and grandchildren.

Francis Fesmire, M.D., ‘85, died Jan. 31. He was 54. Dr. Fesmire is survived by his wife, Connie; and children, Forrest and Hunter.

Robert Francis, M.D. ‘69, HS ‘70, FAC ‘76, died in March. He was 70. Dr. Francis is survived by his wife, Sharron; children Jason and Heather; and two grandchildren.

Charles Ganote, M.D., ‘65, HS ‘66, died June 2. He was 77. Dr. Ganote is survived by his wife, Cynthia; children, C. Stephen and David; and three grandchildren.

Harold Hatcher Jr., M.D., ‘70, died March 10. He was 69. Dr. Hatcher is survived by his wife, Patsy; children Kristin and Andy; and five grandchildren.

Jack Keefe III, M.D.  ‘43, died April 4. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; nieces Gale and Tina; and his sister, Betty.

Charles McCammon, M.D., ‘45, HS ‘46, died May 1. He was 94. Dr. McCammon is survived by his wife, Mary; children, Laura, Charles, Phil, Mark and Sara; eight grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Richard Oldham, M.D., ‘71, HS ‘76, FAC ‘00, died May 14. He was 74. Dr. Oldham is survived by his wife, Susan; children, Mark and Jeffrey, and three grandchildren.

Samuel Paplanus, M.D., ‘54, HS, ‘57, died June 5. He was 85. Dr. Paplanus is survived by five nieces and nephews, seven great-nieces and nephews, and two great-great nieces and nephews.

Reginald Phillips Jr., M.D., HS ‘56, died Dec. 16, 2013. He was 90. Dr. Phillips was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret, and is survived by his children, Jeanne, Barbara, R. Joseph and Bruce; eight grandchildren and two great-granddaughters.

James Price, M.D., ‘45, died May 17. He was 92. Dr. Price is predeceased by his wife, Marilyn, and is survived by his children, Allan, Neil, Steve and Lee; and seven grandchildren.

Friedrich Schuening, M.D., FAC ‘11, died March 27. He was 71. Dr. Schuening is survived by his wife, Angelene; and children Anja and Tim.

Clive Sell, M.D., ‘80, FE ‘85, died Jan. 5. He was 59. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles Sell, M.D., and Sarah Sell, M.D. He is survived by his wife, Miriam; and children, Ben, David and Madeline.

Julian Sleeper, M.D., BA ‘50, HS ‘55, died Jan. 24. He was 85. Dr. Sleeper is survived by his wife, Marie; children, Stacy, Chris, Julie, Susan, Karen and Sarah; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Leighton Smith Jr., M.D. ‘48, died Feb. 13. He was 90. Dr. Smith was preceded in death by his daughter, Mary Lynn, and his wife, Mary. He is survived by children, Leighton and James; and two grandchildren.

Dewey Thomas, M.D., ‘59, HS ‘61, 66, died Jan. 28. He was 79. He is survived by his wife, Joan; children, Cindy, Gwyn, Patrician and Donna; nine grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Charles Treadway, M.D., ‘64, HS ‘65, FAC ‘00, died April 30. He was 74. Dr. Treadway  is survived by his wife, Jane; and children, Catherine, Jane and Charles; and five grandchildren.

James Walker, M.D., HS ‘69, FE ‘70, died Jan. 14. He was 75. Dr. Walker is survived by his wife, Grace; children, Laura, Savannah, James, Lisa, Adam and Thomas; and 15 grandchildren.

William Wheeler Jr., M.D., ‘60, HS ‘62,’67, died Jan. 29. He was 79. He is survived by his wife, Lisa; children, Brain, Shawnna, Kimberly, Jeffrey, William, Casey, Mary and Christopher; and 10 grandchildren.

Carter Williams, Jr., M.D. ‘56, HS ‘59, FE ‘60, FAC ‘00, died Jan. 22. He was 82. Dr. Williams is predeceased by his wife, Caroline, and is survived by his children, Carter, Rachel, Helen and Missy; and six grandchildren.

Nat Winston Jr., M.D. ‘53, HS ‘58, died Dec. 31, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Martha; children Sarah, Nat, John, and stepson, Robert.