Health and Medicine

Biomarker for diabetic eye disease

A person’s mitochondrial gene “signature” could predict risk for diabetic retinopathy and guide early intervention strategies.

A path to sarcoidosis treatment

Vanderbilt investigators identify a new therapeutic target for the inflammatory lung disease sarcoidosis.

Alexander’s visit highlights efforts to confront Ebola

Don’t panic over Ebola. But don’t ignore it, either. That was the take-home message for U.S. citizens from a “mini-hearing” held by U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., at Vanderbilt University Medical Center on Wednesday with researchers and health officials from Vanderbilt and the State of Tennessee.


Study finds accuracy of lung cancer imaging varies by region

A new analysis of published studies found that FDG-PET technology is less accurate in diagnosing lung cancer versus benign disease in regions where infections like histoplasmosis or tuberculosis are common.

VU study reveals shared pathways in psychiatric disorders

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share common genetic underpinnings. Vanderbilt researchers combined high-resolution gene expression studies with gene association data to reveal signaling pathways linked to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Initiative seeks to develop therapies to combat Ebola

Vanderbilt University researchers have partnered with Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. to develop new human antibody therapies for people exposed to the deadly Ebola and Marburg viruses.

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