Health and Medicine

HIV outreach and return to care

When chronic disease patients let their care lapse and fail to show for clinic appointments, it may behoove clinics to reach out and encourage a return to care.

Retro filtered photo of a couple sitting on wooden pier by lake.

Study to explore cancer survivorship, sexuality

Amid the intense discussions around head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment and survivorship planning, sexuality — an important quality of life issue — may understandably not be discussed. When and in what manner do patients with HNC want to talk about the impact the disease may have on their sexuality?

Amoxicillin alone better choice for pediatric pneumonia: study

A combination of two antibiotics is often prescribed to treat community-acquired pneumonia in children, but a JAMA Pediatrics study is now showing that using just one of the two has the same benefit to patients in most cases.

Elderly woman looking out window

Research links heart function to brain’s memory center

Research by a team of Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) scientists suggests that older people whose hearts pump less blood have blood flow reductions in the temporal lobe regions of the brain, where Alzheimer’s pathology first begins.

elderly man lost in thought and looking out window in home office

Study explores nicotine patch to treat mild cognitive impairment

Three years ago Reece Dean, of Nashville’s Bellevue community, retired at age 69 from a career as a busy truck driver. Mary Ann, his wife, began to notice some changes in his memory and behavior since he was home more consistently.

concept illustration of knee with pain radiating from it

Bioactive lipids and rheumatoid arthritis

An enzyme that produces bioactive fatty acids has elevated activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, supporting further studies to understand its biologic roles in the disease.

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