diversity and inclusion

Online forum on diversity and inclusion attracts more than 750 from VUMC community

Led by André Churchwell, MD, Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Vanderbilt University and Chief Diversity Officer at VUMC, the hour-long conversation, spurred by the nation grappling with the death of George Floyd and other black Americans, was meant to encourage members of the VUMC community to discuss racism and unconscious bias, and offer an opportunity to support and engage with each other during this particularly difficult time.

Churchwell named interim vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion and chief university diversity officer

André L. Churchwell, chief diversity officer for Vanderbilt University Medical Center and senior associate dean for diversity affairs in the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, has been named interim vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer for Vanderbilt University.

Lecture in honor of first African-American resident, Harold Jordan, to be Feb. 8

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences has established a named lecture, the Dr. Harold Jordan Diversity and Inclusion Lecture, named after the first African-American resident at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Deas to deliver Jan. 21 Martin Luther King Jr. lecture

Deborah Deas, MD, MPH, the Mark and Pam Rubin Dean of the School of Medicine and chief executive officer for Clinical Affairs at the University of California, Riverside, will speak from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21, in conjunction with the 2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Series at Vanderbilt.

Johnson named VUSN assistant dean for Diversity and Inclusion

Rolanda Johnson, PhD, MSN, assistant dean for Academics and associate professor of Nursing, has been named assistant dean for Diversity and Inclusion for Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

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