
VUMC study to use artificial intelligence to explore suicide risk

Investigators will use computational methods to shed light on suicidal ideation and its relationship to attempted suicide, predict suicidal ideation and suicide attempt using routine electronic health records (EHRs) and explore the genetic underpinnings of both.

Same-day cochlear implant surgeries reduce travel burden, wait times

VUMC is testing an optimized cochlear implant delivery model that offers patients hearing tests, radiologic scans, surgical consultation, device selection and outpatient surgery all on the day of their initial visit.

Impact of weight gain from early to middle adulthood explored

An analysis of weight gain occurring from early to middle adulthood indicates that the added weight is associated with multiple health outcomes in later life.

Interventions such as daily spontaneous waking trials can help patients avoid injuries associated with intensive care.

New software aims to prevent intensive care unit delirium

Intensive care unit delirium, a fertile area of clinical research and patient care innovation associated with VUMC, is beginning to reshape how commercial electronic health record systems are engineered with regard to intensive care.

Study tracks impact of noise in operating rooms

Research shows that noise negatively affects individuals and patient safety, and the operating room is one of the noisiest clinical areas due to information sharing among the clinical team, various technology devices and surgical equipment.

Telehealth grant boosts diabetes prevention efforts

Vanderbilt’s Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) has demonstrated its effectiveness at helping employees lose weight as a means of preventing Type 2 diabetes and has received a five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to expand the program using telehealth.

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