White matter and psychosis

The microstructure of white matter in the brain could be an important risk marker for psychosis, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Fibroids and preterm birth

In a large, prospective study, Vanderbilt researchers found no association between fibroids and any clinical subtype of preterm birth, supporting a reconsideration of the impression that fibroids increase preterm birth risk.

The role of polarity in early cancer

Mutations in the protein epiregulin, an EGF receptor ligand, affect larger epithelial cell reorganization and may contribute to early cancer development, Vanderbilt researchers discovered.

Using billing codes to count cancers

The billing codes in electronic health records are useful for counting skin cancers over time — an important metric for cancer risk assessment and prevention.

Autoimmunity advance

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a high-throughput screening method to identify and characterize antigen-specific B cells — potential biomarkers for autoimmune disease and targets for new treatments.

Estrogen, depression and menopause

A shift in emotional processing may help women adapt to lower estrogen after menopause —unless they have a history of major depressive disorder, Vanderbilt researchers have found.

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