psychiatry and behavioral sciences

The Addiction Bridge Clinic will be staffed by a multispecialty team, including, from left, David Edwards, MD, PhD, David Marcovitz, MD, William Sullivan, MD, MEd, Cody Chastain, MD, Katie White, PhD, MD, and Jason Ferrell, LCSW.

New clinic bridges inpatient, outpatient addiction care

New Bridge Clinic links patients with substance use disorder to follow-up care upon discharge.

Immune ‘pruning’ in schizophrenia

Ariel Deutch and colleagues have discovered that overactive brain immune cells during adolescence may contribute to schizophrenia.

Treatment resistance of mental disorders studied

With the aid of a four-year, $3.4 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) will apply new techniques to investigate treatment resistance of two devastating mental disorders — major depressive disorder, which befalls 15 percent of people at some point in their lives, and schizophrenia, which affects approximately 1 percent.

Fibromyalgia: More doctor visits mean fewer suicide attempts

Fibromyalgia patients who regularly visit their physicians are much less likely to attempt suicide than those who do not, according to a new Vanderbilt University Medical Center study published in Arthritis Care & Research.

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