Randy Blakely

Conte Center receives grant to study serotonin

The Silvio O. Conte Center for Neuroscience Research at Vanderbilt has received a $10.5 million federal grant to continue its groundbreaking research on serotonin signaling in the brain for another five years.

Neurons with serotonin transporters labeled with quantum dots. (Jerry Chang / Vanderbilt)

Probing the roots of depression by tracking serotonin regulation at a new level

An interdisciplinary team of scientists have successfully tagged a protein that regulates the neurotransmitter serotonin with tiny fluorescent beads, allowing them to track the movements of individual molecules for the first time. This capability makes it possible to study the manner in which serotonin regulates mood, appetite and sleep at a new level of detail.

New clue to ADHD

A rare genetic change adds support to the idea that altered dopamine signaling is a key risk factor for ADHD.

Brain and doorway concept

Minds wide open: Neuroscience at Vanderbilt

Vanderbilt University has emerged as one of the nation’s leading academic centers in neuroscience.

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