Reporter Oct 12 2018

Grants for community health projects awarded

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Community Health Improvement Team announced five recipients of a new pilot grant program to support innovative health improvement projects in Davidson, Rutherford and Williamson Counties.

Couple’s gift expands legacy of hearing, speech research

Anne Marie Tharpe, PhD, might not have become a worldwide authority on pediatric hearing loss if she hadn’t been looking for something to do during study hall in her high school years in Memphis. One day, she and a friend volunteered to work in a classroom with deaf children.

Community-driven health efforts saving lives in Lwala

Eleven years after two Vanderbilt University medical students established a health care organization in an impoverished area of Kenya, the death rate for children under 5 years old has been cut in half, according to researchers from Kenya and the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH).

Watkins lecturer focuses on research, inspirations

André Churchwell, MD, welcomed those gathered at the 17th Annual Levi Watkins Jr., MD Lecture on Tuesday with a reminder of who they were honoring and why.

Team’s study reveals hidden lives of medical biomarkers

What do medical biomarkers do on evenings and weekends, when they might be considered off the clock?

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