Tom Talbot

Alexander’s visit highlights efforts to confront Ebola

Don’t panic over Ebola. But don’t ignore it, either. That was the take-home message for U.S. citizens from a “mini-hearing” held by U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., at Vanderbilt University Medical Center on Wednesday with researchers and health officials from Vanderbilt and the State of Tennessee.

Hand hygiene efforts helping to cut infection rates

Dramatic reductions in infection rates throughout Vanderbilt’s inpatient care units are strongly associated with gains in hand hygiene compliance, according to Chief Hospital Epidemiol-ogist Tom Talbot, M.D., MPH, associate professor of Preventive Medicine.

Vaccination still key defense as flu season continues

As is the case throughout the country, this year’s flu season in Middle Tennessee is hitting elderly people particularly hard.

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