Dr. Cornelia R. Graves, associate professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, section chief, Maternal Fetal Medicine, has been selected to participate in the seventh class of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women, beginning in September.
The ELAM Program is the only in-depth national program that prepares women faculty for senior leadership positions at academic health centers (AHCs). ELAM’s principal aims are to increase the number of women leaders at AHCs in leadership positions, such as department chair, associate dean, dean, vice president and president, and to increase the success of senior women faculty in attaining and remaining in these positions. Currently in the U.S., only seven of the 125 allopathic medical schools and three of the 55 dental schools are headed by women deans (including interim positions).
The 2001-02 class consists of women from 43 U.S. medical and dental schools. To date, women faculty from 70 percent of U.S. medical schools and 35 percent of U.S. dental schools have participated in the year-long fellowship, which focuses on the skills, perspectives and knowledge necessary for effective management in AHCs in the 21st century. It also is designed to address specific issues for women as they pursue senior leadership positions.