In an effort to expand funding for researchers, the VUMC Office of Research has compiled a list of nearly 20 foundations offering private financial awards for biomedical research. Awards range from a one-time $25,000 prize to a four-year grant of $600,000. The list is posted on the Office of Research web site at
“Vanderbilt is the fastest growing academic medical center in the United States in terms of NIH funding,” said Andrea Baruchin, director of strategic planning for the Office of Research. “But we want to encourage researchers to explore as many funding opportunities as possible, especially junior researchers who aren't yet receiving NIH funding.”
Any Vanderbilt researcher who meets the individual foundation's granting criteria may apply for awards on the list, and there is no limit on the number who may apply. The list will be updated and expanded regularly, and researchers are urged to check the list frequently for new awards.
“The Office of Research also has implemented a system to ensure that Vanderbilt is a strong competitor for major grants, such as the Pew or Searle scholar awards,” Baruchin said. “These awards will also be posted on the Office of Research web site.”
Researchers must apply for major awards through the Office of Research because only one or two candidates may come from Vanderbilt. A Medical Center awards committee will select Vanderbilt's official nominee(s). A joint Medical Center/University committee will select nominees for awards for which University researchers may also apply. The Office of Research will continue to announce major awards via e-mail to Medical Center department chairs, research center directors, and department administrators.
For more information on the new awards program or for guidance in applying for awards, contact Lynne Hutchison at 3-9075.