Cholesterol Lowering Study
If you are a woman between the ages of 55 and 75, and have a history of high cholesterol, you may be eligible to participate in a cholesterol lowering study. As a participant, you will receive at no cost: 12 months of study treatment with one of two cholesterol-lowering medications; study related medical examinations; clinic visits; laboratory testing.
Contact the Vanderbilt Lipid Clinic at 936-1641.
Diabetes Study
Do you have diabetes? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to have better blood sugar results? The Vanderbilt Diabetes Center is offering a free 8-week diet research program for adults with diabetes who do not take insulin. The program will include free diabetes self-management classes and nutrition counseling provided by Certified Diabetes Educators.
Contact the Vanderbilt Diabetes Center at 936-1149.
Clinical Research Study
Participants are needed for a Clinical Research Study looking at the effects of aspirin on levels of C-reactive protein in women who initiate hormone replacement therapy. Healthy post-menopausal women (age 44 and up) are needed for this study. The study period is for 12-weeks and participants will be compensated.
Contact Barbara Roberts, RN (beeper 2955) or Kathy Steinson, RN. (beeper 3819), or call 936-1945 or 936-2165.
Failure to Thrive Treatment Study
Patients are needed for a study of a new medication that may provide an increase in weight and overall improvement in appetite.
To be eligible, patients must: be at least 65 years old; have been diagnosed with Failure to Thrive (we can assist in this step if needed); currently receiving nutritional therapy; have had a recent unintentional weight loss of more than 10 percent of body weight. Eligible patients will receive the study medication, all exams, and other procedures free of charge. The study lasts about two months.
Contact Lynne L. McFarland, RN, at 343-0843.
Spring Allergies in Children Study
Children between 6 and 11 years old may be eligible to participate in a research study. Compensation for your time is provided. For more information, contact the Vanderbilt Asthma, Sinus and Allergy Program (ASAP) Clinical Research Staff at 936-5764.
Spring Allergy Study –
12 and older
Do you typically experience the following symptoms with your allergies: headaches and/or facial pain, pressure, or discomfort that worsens during the allergy season and responds to treatment with a non-prescription drug; runny nose; itchy, watery, red eyes; itchy nose, throat, palate.
You maybe eligible to participate in a research trial to study an investigational non-prescription medication. We need male of female patients age 12 and over; have at least a 2-year history of spring allergies; if pregnant, breast-feeding or planing a pregnancy, you cannot participate. Study requires at least three visits to the clinic. Qualified participants may receive compensation for time, travel and a free medical examination. Contact the Vanderbilt Allergy, Sinus and Asthma Program (ASAP) Clinical Research Staff at 936-5764.
High Blood Pressure Study
Caucasian and African American men and women – age 18 to 60 – needed for the study.
For more information contact: Barbara Roberts, RN, at 936-1945; Kathy Steinson, RN at 936-2165.
Oral Antibiotic Study
Currently enrolling for a randomized study comparing a new oral antibiotic against the dual therapy of Cipro and Flagyl for skin and skin structure infections.
Inclusion criteria includes:
1) Non-hospitalized men and women over 18 years old with evidence of complicated skin or skin structure infection for whom oral antibiotic therapy is indicated, including one of the following infections.
A) Infected diabetic foot ulcer without underlying osteomyelitis
B) Infected pressure sore without underlying osteomyelitis
C) Post surgical wound infections with purulent drainage
D) Major abscess as defined below:
Abscess where surrounding cellulitis measure at least 1/3 diameter of the abscess and requiring surgical intervention and antibiotics.
If you have a patient that may meet the criteria, please call Elizabeth Card, RN, CCRC, at 343-4257.