Vanderbilt University Medical Center has created three annual awards for research staff, and nominations are being solicited for each.
The awards are:
• Laboratory Science Award for Basic Research — for excellence in conducting basic research
• Vivien Thomas Award for Clinical Research — for excellence in conducting clinical research
•Contributing to Multi-investigator teams — for research excellence as a contributor to a multi-investigator team.
Those eligible are: research assistant I, research assistant II, research assistant III, senior research specialist, or any person who provides exemplary research support. Faculty members, research fellows, post-doctoral and graduate students are not eligible for these awards.
Contact Jeannine Courtney in the Office of Research with questions at 343-0415.
Nominations are due Sept. 8. The nomination package should include a nominating letter from a faculty member and a curriculum vitae or resume of the candidate. If applicable, include any references for publications representing the most significant work of the candidate.
Please indicate clearly the award category for which you intend to nominate the individual.
Nominations should be sent to Cindy Sircy in MCN, CCC-3322.
Recipients of these awards will be announced at a celebratory luncheon at the University Club on Sept. 16.