May 26, 2006

VU to outsource job verification requests

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Michel McDonald, M.D.

Beginning June 1, Vanderbilt's Office of Human Resources will outsource its employment and income verification services to TALX Corp., a leading business process outsourcer for employment verification services.

In the past when a verifier (a lending institution, property manager or business that needs to verify employment or income of an employee) would call to verify employment or income, the HR processing office would handle the request.

Now when a verifier calls, the processing office will refer the caller to The Work Number. The automated services can respond instantly to the request by voice, fax or Web, which will speed turnaround times.

The service is available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and there is no cost to faculty and staff.

To obtain proof of income, the verifier will need a secure salary key, or electronic authorization from the employee. Employees request a salary key from The Work Number and then provide the salary key to a verifier for a one-time access to information on The Work Number's Web site (

To request a salary key, the employee will need his/her social security number and the Vanderbilt employer code, which is 12412. Employees can get a salary key on The Work Number Web site or by calling toll-free (800) 367-5690.

For more information, visit the HR Web site (