Health Policy

Martha Shepherd, DO, MPH, medical director, Vanderbilt Health at MNPS, and David Hines, MNPS executive director of Benefits, helped design and oversee cost-saving wellness benefits for MNPS teachers. (photo by Donn Jones)

Metro Nashville Public Schools’ culture of wellness bolsters employee health, cuts costs

The MNPS Certificated Employee Health Plan covers 6,500 in collaboration with Vanderbilt Health active teachers plus 11,500 retirees and dependents.

Opioid treatment can avoid foster care placement: study

If women are given medications to treat opioid use disorder during their pregnancy they are significantly more likely to retain custody of their newborns after delivery

Study tallies reports of unprofessional behavior among physicians

Reports from 193 hospitals were analyzed. It turns out that surgeons draw the most complaints.

Clinician accountability program from VUMC associated with large savings

A program run by Vanderbilt University Medical Center that provides peer feedback to high-risk clinicians was associated with a significant decrease in malpractice claims costs at a large orthopaedic surgery practice, according to a recent study.

Over 40% of Tennessee Families With Children Say They Are Food Insecure; 70% Have Changed Spending on Food

This year’s Vanderbilt Child Health Poll shows that over 40% of Tennessee families report they are food insecure ― a similar proportion from last year. Most families (71%) say they have continued to change food spending habits due to high prices.

Emerging Infections Program extends, expands disease surveillance research with new grant from the CDC

The Tennessee Emerging Infections Program has been awarded a new five-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue infectious disease surveillance research that has been conducted since 1999, and has expanded to include COVID, Mpox and HPV surveillance into oropharyngeal cancers.

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