VUMC in the Community

VUMC encourages employees to register and vote

Tennessee has low voter registration and turnout rates. The Medical Center is part of an effort to get more people involved.

Shawn Drumgoole and scores of friends celebrate his birthday with a walk to Children’s Hospital

The man behind the social media sensation “We Walk with Shawn” says Vanderbilt saved his life 30 years ago

Clothes Closet in need of donations of new items

Due to COVID-19, used items are no longer accepted, but the need to help patients continues

They were married during the pandemic. They directed their wedding gifts to feed health care workers.

Heather and Lewis Burwell’s wedding didn’t turn out like they planned. But they found a way to share their celebration with the community.

Turning lemons into lemonade: Second grader raises money to help fight COVID-19

“I think she understands that things have been taken away from those who are in the hospital just as she has had things taken away from her.”

Grateful kidney transplant patient donates masks to VUMC

“I was really excited to have the opportunity to do something for those who had done so much for me.”

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