Academic Medicine (journal)

Study outlines VUMC’s strategy for a learning health care system

New investments in clinical programs at Vanderbilt University Medical Center are increasingly contingent upon studies to validate claims of benefit and the potential for scalability and spread.

Study explores issues faced by early career research faculty

Jun. 28, 2018—In an electronic survey of early career research-track faculty at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, respondents confidentially reported their recent experiences with extra-professional caregiving, including care for sick or injured children, parents, spouses or partners.

Project seeks to enhance timeliness of documentation

A few years ago, Kate Carlson, M.D., assistant professor of Pediatrics and assistant medical director of the Vanderbilt Pediatric Primary Care Clinic, noticed a high incidence of delayed documentation among the group of residents assigned to the clinic at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Matchmaker for clinical studies is a web-based registry that is connecting participants and researchers for clinical studies.