Elizabeth Phillips

Clinic helps adults clarify true status of penicillin allergy

Team seeks to shed light on rare immune-mediated adverse drug reaction

Thirty years ago when she was 16, Katie Niemeyer was prescribed carbamazepine for depression. Three weeks later she was in a St. Louis, Missouri, burn unit with second and third degree burns all over her body. “My parents were told the chances of me surviving were slim,” she said.

Alpha-gal found to be both a medication and red meat allergy

Alpha-gal allergy has commonly been referred to as “the red meat” allergy, but doctors at the Vanderbilt Asthma, Sinus and Allergy Program (ASAP) helped uncover that not only red meat, but some medications, can contain alpha-gal.

Daughter’s rare adverse drug reaction inspires family’s donation

Last year Paul and Wanpen Anderson of Champaign, Illinois, were preparing to celebrate the Christmas holidays with their two children when their 22-year-old daughter, Angela, developed a rare adverse drug reaction called SJS/TEN.

VUMC lands major pharmacogenomics grant

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has received a five-year, $12.8 million grant from the federal government to develop better ways to predict how patients will respond to the drugs they’re given.

Eleven faculty honored with endowed chairs

Eleven Vanderbilt University faculty members named to endowed chairs were honored for their academic achievements during a celebration April 30 at the Student Life Center.

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