Irving Zamora

(photo by Erin O. Smith)

Rare pancreas diagnosis, rare treatment: Surgeons perform robotic Whipple procedure for pediatric patient

The milestone surgery resulted from collaboration and exemplifies a generational shift taking place in pediatric surgery.

Aimal Khan, MD, works with residents on improving their robotic skills during an annual Resident Robotics Teaching Lab at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Grant supports development of skill assessment tool for robot-assisted surgery

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Irving Zamora, MD, MPH, assistant professor of Pediatric Surgery, and Aimal Khan, MD, assistant professor of Surgery, have received a grant to support the development and validation of an objective robotic skills assessment tool for surgical trainees.

Lacey Ray plays with her son, Carter, at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Carter, who has a rare esophageal condition, has spent his entire life in hospitals.

Innovative techniques help treat boy’s rare condition

Carter Ray has never been inside his family home. As a matter of fact, since he was born on Nov. 3, 2019, he has only lived in a hospital.