
Electrical circuit with various components interfaced with a brain

Blood-brain barrier on a chip sheds new light on “silent killer”

A new microfluidic device containing human cells that faithfully mimics the behavior of the blood-brain barrier is providing new insights into brain inflammation, the silent killer.

Successful entrepreneur and innovator chosen to lead new Innovation Center

Startup veteran Robert Grajewski has been chosen as the inaugural executive director of the newly created Vanderbilt University Innovation Center.

Craig Hutto and Michael Goldfarb

Surgery and engineering initiative becomes institute

VISE is keeping its acronym but changing its name. The Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering will become the Vanderbilt Institute in Surgery and Engineering.

Robotic device attache to dummy patient

Brain surgery through the cheek

Vanderbilt engineers have developed a surgical robot designed to perform brain surgery by entering through the cheek instead of the skull.

PREDICT program lands informatics innovation award

Healthcare Informatics Magazine has awarded Vanderbilt University Medical Center third place in its 2014 Innovator Awards.

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