September 14, 2011

National Child Passenger Safety Week Sept. 18-24

(photo courtesy of VCHIP Safe Children Program)

Did you know that nearly 85 percent of child restraints are used incorrectly?

Sept. 18-24 is National Child Passenger Safety Week, and the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt will mark the occasion by hosting free community car seat checks. Stop by one of the following location and make sure your child is riding safely:

Davidson County
Thursday, Sept. 15
3-6 p.m.
Costco Wholesale at the Nashville West shopping center, 6670 Charlotte Pk.

Tuesday, Sept. 20
9 a.m.-noon
Westminster School, 3900 West End Ave.

Sumner County – National Seat Check Saturday
Saturday, Sept. 24
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Lowe’s in Gallatin, 1301 Nashville Pk.

Can’t attend one of these events? The Children’s Hospital also provides free car seat appointments throughout the year, in which trained car seat technicians will inspect your car seat and demonstrate correct installation and use.

Appointments are located at the Safety Store at Children’s Hospital, or at One Hundred Oaks, in partnership with the Vanderbilt University Police Department. A 48-hour notice for appointment scheduling is required.

Appointments are scheduled Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and are based on availability.  Call (615) 936-1869 or schedule an appointment online.

For questions or more information, please contact (615) 936-SAFE (7233) or

Contact: Sarah Haverstick, (615) 936-7656