Debianne Peterman, Ph.D., MSN, director of Nursing Education and Professional Development at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has been appointed vice president and chief nursing officer of Women’s & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo — the hospital where she was born.

She will assume her new position in September.
“Thanks in large part to Debianne, we have an incredibly engaged, educated and professional nursing workforce. She has helped build the various programs, and we will continue and grow those efforts,” said Marilyn Dubree, MSN, R.N., executive chief nursing officer for VUMC.
Peterman joined VUMC in 2005, and has worked to help strengthen the nursing education infrastructure. She developed the Nurse Residency Program, attracting, training and employing approximately 200 of the nation’s most promising undergraduate nurses each year.
She also made significant contributions to the Medical Center during the multi-year processes of earning two Magnet designations.
Peterman has more than 20 years of experience leading nursing and clinical operations.
She previously served as chief nursing officer for a national perinatal home care provider with 3,500 nurses. At Scottish Rite Children’s Medical Center in Atlanta, she led the building of an acute care center that housed intensive care units, operating rooms and an emergency department.