Vanderbilt LifeFlight, along with several other emergency agencies, received two Star of Life awards for their life-saving efforts at the annual Star of Life banquet, presented by Tennessee Emergency Medical Services for Children.
Receiving recognition for saving the life of a pediatric patient was Macon County EMS, Lafayette Fire Department and Vanderbilt LifeFlight. The LifeFlight staff recognized included Kirk Krokosky, flight nurse; Mark Tankersley, flight nurse; Sheldon Dreaddy, flight nurse; Greg Stoddard, pilot; and Robert Brooks, flight communicator.
A man who had a stroke in a cave, resulting in a lengthy rescue, prompted the award for the LifeFlight team in Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Recognized for that heroic save were the Maury County Fire Department, Maury Regional EMS, and LifeFlight’s Keith Evans, chief flight nurse; Dylan Wilson, flight paramedic; Bric Baker, pilot; and Kelly Scott, flight communicator.
Also recognized were Maury Regional EMS and LifeFlight Event Medicine employees Doug Rutherford and Sean McGee.