For the sixth consecutive year, Vanderbilt was recently recognized by the American Heart Association (AHA) with its Platinum Level Fit-friendly Worksite Award.
This award is the AHA’s highest level and is given to companies that demonstrate progressive leadership toward making health and wellness a priority for their workforce.

“You are among an elite group of awardees for this important initiative,” wrote Nancy Brown, chief executive officer of the AHA. “We at the American Heart Association commend your efforts and look forward to seeing you continue to make great strides in the upcoming year.”
“We are honored to see that Vanderbilt has been recognized once again with this prestigious award,” said Lori Rolando, M.D., MPH, medical director of Health Plus, Vanderbilt’s staff and faculty wellness program.
“It reinforces the importance of physical activity and other health and wellness programming in the overall health and productivity of our faculty and staff, and is a wonderful reflection of the culture of wellness that Vanderbilt and its leadership has fostered for our community.”
Health Plus annually completes the award application for Vanderbilt.