Open Enrollment for 2014 benefits is Oct. 16-31
Need help choosing your benefits? This year, take advantage of several new tools designed to help you make the best decisions.
For personalized benefits information based on your anticipated costs, try the interactive Ask Alex tool. In an easy, conversational fashion, “Alex” will ask you a series of questions and use your answers to evaluate the health plan options based on your specific circumstances. Alex will walk you through the process at your own pace, offering plenty of opportunities to review information along the way. After your session with Alex finishes, you’ll be able to access your own personalized benefits webpage that summarizes the information you and Alex discussed. Your interaction with Alex will be anonymous and confidential.
For a quick snapshot guide to the differences between the three health plan options (Plus, Select and HealthFund), see Choosing a Health Plan.
If you’re a staff member eligible for flexPTO, automatic short-term disability enrollment helps you understand what the buy-up option means for you.
To see if it makes sense to have your spouse or partner covered by the Vanderbilt Health Plan vs. his or her employer’s health insurance, review spouse or same-sex domestic partner coverage fee.
The new benefits enrollment tool also contains a variety of resources. Starting Oct. 16, log in to the tool to find “benefits basics” videos that cover benefits types and terminology on topics including medical, dental and short-term disability coverage.
Open Enrollment is Oct. 16-31. All benefits-eligible employees should enroll. Learn more about Open Enrollment and all of your benefits options for 2014.
If you have questions, please contact the Employee Service Center at or 343-7000.