December 17, 2015

New in-house software development group set to assist VUMC teams

Vanderbilt teams in the market for specialized software have a new in-house information technology group to call upon.


Vanderbilt teams in the market for specialized software have a new in-house information technology group to call upon.

The Center for Analytic Software and Mobile Technology is a three-person software development shop in the process of branching out from its base in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science.

Software developers Zach Stark, left, Kevin Wilson and Matthew Christian comprise the new Center for Analytic Software and Mobile Technology.

According to the new center’s director, software engineer Kevin Wilson, his group is currently working with teams in Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Biomedical Informatics, Medicine, and Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology. Current projects include Web and mobile software for data collection and analysis, biomedical imaging informatics, scientific education software, public-facing information, departmental administrative systems and volunteer coordination.

“I’m interested in trying to grow the center through collaboration more broadly across the Medical Center,” Wilson said.

“One of two foci for our team is development of analytical software, whether for research or for analysis and improvement of clinical processes. In either of these realms, with the proper approach, data can speak for themselves to drive projects forward, and we can help with that. We’re available to help teams get to the data they need to answer their questions and advance their work.”

The center’s other focus is building intuitive Web and mobile applications.

“We’d in particular like to be involved with creating mobile solutions for collecting clinical research data, as well as data for analysis of clinical safety, quality and cost. The potential for expansion in those directions seems significant right now,” Wilson said.

“As IT becomes more and more woven into our clinical and research enterprise, our center wants to help more teams find the best software systems to advance their work. There is, of course, already a deep, deep well of health and research information technology expertise available at VUMC, and working and learning together can only help drive Vanderbilt into the next generation,” Wilson said.

For more information, contact Kevin Wilson at