An overflow crowd greeted Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, the U.S. Deputy Surgeon General, for her lecture Monday at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. The nation’s top nurse gave an overview of factors that influence the health policy process and health care delivery system, and discussed the value nurses bring to policy discussions at all levels.
Trent-Adams encouraged nurses to get involved in public policy issues and to be bold in making sure the nursing profession has a voice in the nation’s health care discussion.
“The take-home message from my entire talk is that I believe that nurses are the power force that can change health care delivery in this country,” she said. “I think that the knowledge, experience and passion that is in this room can have a dramatic impact on the future of health care not only for this country but for the world.”
Her talk was the first presentation in the school’s new Dean’s Diversity Lecture series.