Deonna Moore, MSN, ACNP-BC, was recently named the Advanced Transplant Provider of the Year by the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

The award recognizes advanced transplant professionals for their dedication and commitment to advancing surgical management in transplantation.
Moore joined the staff at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Transplant Center in 2003 as a nurse on the kidney/pancreas transplant floor. She is now the advanced practice nurse team leader in kidney/pancreas transplantation.
“It is an honor to be recognized by the society and my colleagues,” Moore said. “I have been fortunate to be able to do what I love in transplant as a clinician, researcher and educator. I am surrounded by great colleagues and friends who have always been so supportive. Our goal is always to improve the care and lives of our patients.”
Moore has had many of her innovative research ideas published as well as presented around the country. She is also passionate about educating others in the world of transplantation, both through giving invited lectures around the country and teaching in the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.
She was recently named an Instructor in the Department of Surgery and is involved in nursing education. Throughout her career, Moore has worked to improve access to transplantation, especially living kidney donation.