November 11, 2019

Join the StrategyShare Network

The Strategic Directions team is inviting Vanderbilt University Medical Center employees to join the StrategyShare Network that will help identify topic areas for presentation and programming for StrategyShare2020.


The Strategic Directions team is inviting Vanderbilt University Medical Center employees to join the StrategyShare Network that will help identify topic areas for presentation and programming for StrategyShare2020.

StrategyShare is an annual, half-day event that showcases the exciting work being done throughout VUMC to advance the four Strategic Directions: Design for Patients and Families; Make Diversity and Inclusion Intentional; Discover, Learn and Share; Amplify Innovation.

StrategyShare2020 will focus on how the four Strategic Directions support the Medical Center’s efforts to define personalized care and will be held on June 24, 2020, in Langford Auditorium.

To join the StrategyShare Network, please email Those responding will receive additional information and opportunities to participate in StrategyShare2020.

For more information on StrategyShare and the Strategic Directions, visit